Amendment to the law of reduced VAT rate on permanent residences
The House of Representatives recently amended the Value Added Tax Law 119(I) of 2016 which allowed for a reduced VAT rate of 5% levied on...
Amendment to the law of reduced VAT rate on permanent residences
EU Sanctions Debrief - 11th -13th Packages
Navigating the EU sanctions - a debrief of the 6-10th packages
''The novel registration of Crypto-Assets Service Providers in Cyprus'' published on LEGAL 500.
Registrar of Companies Announcement for the extension of the Annual Levy Payment
UK businesses operating under the Temporary Permission Regime: A CySEC Policy Statement
New incentives for Companies setting up and operating in the Republic of Cyprus
DAC6: New mandatory disclosure regime for Intermediaries and their clients
Cyprus as the ideal headquartering location: Key drivers & the Fast-Track Business Activation